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Merki Treuhand AG - EN
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 9
4600 Olten, CH
Tel. +41 62 207 30 40
AdobeStock 398741339 ¦ Audit

Ordinary audits

Ordinary audits are the ultimate audit that we offer, and they receive the highest level of attention.

We conduct ordinary audits in compliance with Swiss law, the selected accounting standards, and Swiss Auditing Standards (PS).

Organizations that are subject to ordinary audits must have an internal system of control (IKS). In the management report, they are also obligated to make a statement about a risk assessment being performed.

The scope of an ordinary audit can be much more detailed and significantly more in-depth than a limited audit, depending on the company’s size and business activity. Confirmations from third parties must also be obtained for certain types of evidence. This gives us more certainty as auditors, and we are able to give an opinion in our audit report recommending that the financial statements be accepted by the general meeting of shareholders.

What we offer

  • Auditing of annual financial statements according to the CO
  • Auditing of annual financial statements according to Swiss GAAP FER
  • Auditing of annual financial statements according to IFRS
  • Auditing of interim financial statements
  • Summary reports
  • Comprehensive report
  • Management letters

International accounting and auditing

As a member of TAGAlliances, we can also help with your international business needs.

Publications on the topic

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