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Merki Treuhand AG - EN
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 9
4600 Olten, CH
Tel. +41 62 207 30 40
Audit ¦ AdobeStock 398741339


Our audits do much more than just helping you to comply with legal requirements: They provide you with real added value.

Your shareholders, your lenders and especially you need to be able to rely on realistic, trustworthy assessments of your individual situation at all times. This is why we provide you with transparent annual financial statements, objective reporting, and in-depth information – whenever you want it and in as much detail as you prefer.

Lenders appreciate our professional reports, which increase their willingness to collaborate with our clients. The purpose of our reports is not only to give outsiders a future-oriented look at your company but also to help you optimize work processes and use market advantages in a targeted way. We can help you lay another important building block for your entrepreneurial future.

Our risk-oriented audit approach

Our audit approach is structured in a flexible way and can be adjusted to industry and client-specific circumstances. Our audits always focus on the most important details and not only keep the future in mind but offer you a high level of value.

More about our risk-oriented audit approach.


International accounting and auditing

As a member of TAGAlliances, we can also help with your international business needs.

Audit expert

Solidis Revisions AG (register number 501533) is registered as an audit expert with the Federal Audit Oversight Authority FAOA and is authorized to conduct audits of annual reports and audits according to special laws.